We have come back to Folly Beach S.C. on a spur of the moment whim to collect the oyster shell clusters that we needed to finish the rest of our Oyster Bay Santas. When Shawnette saw that the temps down here were going to be in the upper 60's we made the hard decision :) to load up the car with our buckets and boots and come on down!!! Yesterday we made the mile long trek down the beach with our rolling container tagging behind to gather our shells. It was eerily foggy on the beach taking our our minds to haunted places and to the ghost stories of our youth. It felt like we were walking into a fog that would fold us into it never to be seen again! But we persevered and got to our favorite oyster place and did the shell collector stoop for several hours. We left loaded with mud laden treasures that we will scrub and bleach and shine up to be added proudly to the feet of our Oyster Bay Santa ( the remaining 50) that we were not able to finish in 2011. We love what we do and all of the awesome business trip opportunities we have! Gotta go! Back to the beach for one more oyster haul...and then back home to work .... with Folly beach a fog laden memory begging us to come back again.

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Let us bring a little bit of the Chesapeake into your home and Holidays!
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