Monday, May 28, 2012



There are always beginnings....they are endless and promising... always bearing hope upon their shoulders. But it is their destiny to become something other... A process... A journey ... bearing hope that they will end with an accomplishment an achievement an enlightenment .
But sadly beginnings often do not become their own hopeful destinies... They often blaze and fizzle, wither, or simply vanish quietly without taking the creative idea to the work that culminates in a goal accomplished.

There are always more beginnings than endings... Always will all things. But hope is eternal and creativity never-ending... It is the soil and the soul... the nourishment of our beginnings that coaxes them to take root and grow. This seems to be the finite part of the equation. We must feed and nurture and tend our ideas the same way we do our children. Staying power...

How do we breathe life into the shadow of an idea? The ideas... The journey ... The tangible result... So simple... Yet so rare....?
How do we?
my Beginning... my Idea...Forming... Teasing... Promising...
Today is my 55th birthday ...
Today I begin...How will I get there?Will I get there?? I will get there! Hope... Nourishment....Work... Movement...Forward Motion...

5757... See you when I get there:)))

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