Monday, May 16, 2011

To Blog or not to Blog?

   I am back! So sorry for the lapse... it seems the good writing habits that I established in the Ultimate Blog Challenge have already failed me! I would like to use the excuse of being so very busy that I could not get to it but that would not be entirely true. We have been busy! We are back on the farmers market  circuit which means a  craft show every Saturday, which means loading and unloading my Toyota Sequoia 4X a week, monitoring inventory, weather watching,  adapting  to the weather, keeping our energy level and physical level high on top of our normal weeks of painting and Santa making and website management, and bookkeeping and  ordering materials and supplies! Yet it still is a matter of choosing to blog or not to blog. Last week I chose not to blog! I chose to have a low stress week. I focused on individual tasks as I did them without allowing the avalanche of tasks that needed my attention to distract me from the one I was performing. It was a bit of a survival tactic! I need to have these weeks sprinkled in here and there to keep my sanity. I concentrate on creative time rather than productive time. This goes back to some of my previous blogs where I speak of creativity kicking into high gear when my stress levels  are peaking. It is  an automatic cut off switch that allows me to recharge my battery and get back to my to do list with a new vigor!
   Usually writing is a creative endeavor, a de-stressing activity...but letting it go occasionally is too! I need to figure out how to write about  things that may seem mundane to us but interesting to our readers. I have had to stop at this point and try and figure out where I am going with this blog and am coming up blank...I think I already made my point....So I am going to take this as a cue...and end it.... and get back to my CBCC list...
   Thank you for reading....promise more inspired entries to come!

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