Sunday, September 11, 2011

Mood Swings of a Professional Nature!

   We had a very full plate this weekend with Mathews Market Days and Bark in the Park in Williamsburg where we partnered with the Wiliamsburg chapter of the Parrothead Club to raise money for the Heritage Humane Society. Thank you Cindy Mikeliates for taking on the responsibility for manning the booth and taking orders for our Faithful Friends Santas (see website). We did have a very nice weekend except for the downpour in Mathews Saturday morning. We will be drying out for  awhile after that one...but over all it was a gorgeous sunny (although very sweaty!) weekend!
   It is nice to have today to recover before starting a very busy upcoming week. We will be executing a list that Shawnette and I made during our downtime at Mathews. It was a very long list with some very involved items that only took up a very small piece on the page but will take gobs of time to accomplish! We are now committed to the Swiss Cheese method of of accomplishing goals...punching holes in our list until it morphs into the next one.
    We do have some very exciting news that accounts for  a lot of our time management challenge this week and the next several. We got our first large order from a national gift chain for our Psalms in the Sand ornaments! We are venturing into uncharted territory and having to learn new things about distribution, UPC codes, and packing and shipping for a large retail chain.  Just getting out a very large order when we are going into full swing with our own retail craft show schedule is a challenge of a larger scale than ever before. We are in a kind of happy panicked state that is very confusing emotionally :) To stress or celebrate that is the we will yoyo back and forth accordingly! Happy excited....panicked stessed....let's try to go with Happy and excited for now!!! I will see you in the morning Shawnette, my friend and charged and ready to go!!

Thanks for Reading...

Bringing a little bit of the Chesapeake into your Home and Holidays!

Monday, September 5, 2011

Laboring On... in Santas Workshop!

   Today is Labor Day!...for Chesapeake Bay Christmas that means that our labor will intensify exponentially from now until Christmas. We are on the fast track now and there is no turning back. We are presently preparing to release our new 2011 Chesapeake Santa...hopefully by late September ( we are behind schedule but working hard!). We will also be finishing up a Santa we have designed for  a group down in Bath, NC  to raise funds for their organization and another new design of ours will be coming out soon (an awesome  Pirate Santa!) Look for many new and exciting one of a kind Santas at our shows.
    We have shows scheduled almost every weekend from now until Christmas which you can check on our upcoming events page on our website Shawnette and I are both having minor anxiety attacks regularly...but not to worry these are just fuel for our creativity along with the increase in coffee consumption and occasional 4 hour energys we use to keep the long hours ahead of us!
  Santas workshop is gearing up and we will not stop until all of our Santas and ornaments are finished and delivered into the homes of our  great customers. Look for our email announcing the release of our 2011 Chesapeake Santa! Hint...he has a feature that makes each one unique and different from all of the others! We know you will love him and cannot wait to get your feedback.
   FYI there are  only 112 days until Christmas!!! 
   Thanks for reading,
Bringing a little bit of the Chesapeake into your Home and Holidays!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Earthquakes and Hurricanes!

    We just got our power back yesterday after being without it for 5 days in the aftermath of Hurricane Irene. Many of my friends and neighbors still do not have power, water or phone yet so I know that we are blesssed. Three days before Irene arrived  here central Virginia experienced a 4.9 level earthquake! Wow! How could two such random low odds events happen here three days apart? I think we Virginians... neighbors and citizens should feel proud for handling these events with calm, courage and perserverance. Our hearts go out to our friends that have suffered damage, or bodily harm as a result of Irene and quake. Eventually the hardships, and pain will pass but the stories will remain to be told and retold.  The kindness of neighbors will be remembered and built upon to form stronger communities.  We will go forward a little stronger and better prepared to survive whatever mother nature has yet to send our way.
Thanks for reading,

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Don't forget to Be Happy!

     This year has slipped away so quickly and so quietly that it is alarming! It seems we are working so much harder than ever before...without the return on investment that we would like to see. But we know we are in the best of company and that the fact that we have managed to stay in business during this economic downturn is a victory in itself. We do not mind the hard is life affirming in its own way. What is harder about today than a few years ago is that the mental stress level seems to have gone up disproportionately to the work load. I find this hard to explain except maybe some of it may be mid life physical changes , along with empty nesting, layered with the economic downturn and finished off with lot of  media  and political propaganda  that's only goal seems to be  to keep all of us off balance at all costs. I will continue to navigate through it the best that I can trying to focus on all that is positive in the world. I  know that I will not find the positive things on the TV, radio, or in the newspapers...I try to take care of myself physically, remember to take lots of deep breaths every day, and try to get outside everyday and appreciate my physical world...look at the stars...dig in the dirt...feel the heat and the cold of our planet  instead of living  always in the  temperature controlled world that we have created for ourselves...disconnect from my devices as often as I can....It is so hard though!  It is a shame that we have to consciously be aware of and combat the mental stress and fatigue that has become ingrained in our life style... There does have to be a way to simplify and appreciate and be happy....I will keep searching...let me know if you figure out how to do it!
   Back to my Santas...they are a good source of stress relief....they make me Happy!
Thanks for reading...
Bringing the Chesapeake into you Home and Holidays!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

King Ingjald the Evil Advisor!!??

   Ten days of silence...I should be ashamed. I am going to have to admit that it was not for any noble reason like being too busy with Santa production or marketing or shows ( although that does continue at an escalating pace!) but because I discovered! I am sure I could not be trusted with a personal facebook page or an i phone or anything that cyber connects my life anymore than it already is. I am now a genealogy addict! I cannot stay away from my family tree...I have to say to myself...paint for 2 hours then you can have a 30 minute break to do a couple more generations....!  When I got a hold of one of my great grandmothers lines that took me all the way back  to the Roman Emperor Constantine I... I was done! Could it be possible that Royalty, and Vikings with names like Svedi the Sea King, King Ingjald the Evil Advisor, and  and even a Saint or too have passed on their genes to me...well according to ancestry .com it is so ( I will say that many of the connections are not totally beyond question!) but even if a few did  prove to be true I am feeling way better about myself that I did before I delved into  my pretty interesting  past! I have  ...a 10th great grandfather who bought Marthas Vineyard and Nantucket from the Indians...I am a 1st cousin to Benjamin Franklin 7 generations removed, my 11th great grandfather  was a sea captain that sailed the second ship Speedwell that originally accompanied the Mayflower on its voyage over here but had to turn back because it was taking on water...he then later came to Virginia on the ship America in 1634 and was given a land grant right here in Charles City, VA!!! And it goes on and on...I even share a common 18th great grandfather with the British royals...should have gotten a wedding  invitation! Anyway it is fascinating and I have only just begun...if only one small bit of it turns out to be true it has given me a new interest in the mine and that which is all of amazing story that defines us, inspires us, prepares us and teaches us...happy ancestry....give it a try...its addicting!
Thanks for reading

Bring a little bit of the Chesapeake into your Home and Holidays!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

I love Mac... who knew how much!

   Sorry for the lack of new posts but I have had an unexpected illness that I have been dealing with. My son's dog Mac started feeling puny over the weekend. By the time I took him to the vet at 7 am Monday he was at death's door! His condition went downhill so fast on Sunday that by Monday morning he could barely walk and was so very ill...  I felt so guilty that we originally did not give it much thought when he stopped eating on Saturday and just wanted to sleep. We thought it was just a digestive issue or a bug or something....
     It was something!....a massive systemic infection that we will never know how he got it.. The vet is at a loss and he has been on IV's and antibiotics since Monday.  I spent most of Monday in tears....fearful that we were going to lose him. I had no idea how deep my emotional attachment  was or is. I cried uncontrollably in front of other people....I don't do that! I love my Mac...more than I ever knew! I promised him if he gets better I will take him on his walks faithfully everyday and throw his ball whenever he wants and stop complaining about all of his hair on my carpet and in the corners of every room.  I know he heard me because he wagged his tail when I made these proclamations! I have been visiting him 2-3 time a day and am hoping we will be able to bring him home to his spot on the sofa tomorrow. This has been one of those experiences that I never want to have again... but lets me know how much I really love my pets and how important they are in my life. I love my Mac and my Gizmo...they give their love unconditionally... humans are not so good at the unconditional thing...but  heaven help me if one of my kids ever got this ill...! Keep on loving,  keeping on feeling, keep on giving...
Thanks for reading,
Bringing  the Chesapeake into you Home and Holidays!

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Yorktown Market a Wash Out!

   Today's Yorktown Market Days was cancelled due to the heavy rain that continued to fall last night and into this morning. I had just walked out to the car to head that way when Maydel called to tell me it was going to be cancelled. I am thinking about going back to bed but thought I would get this post out first while I enjoy a cup of coffee...which will keep me up so I will probably get in some early morning painting. I have a bag of spiral shells right next to my painting table begging to be transformed into college snowmen! Hmmm...Blue... I think...ODU, CNU, Virginia, WVU,....
   Catch up with us in Williamsburg on Prince George St. from 3pm until 6pm tomorrow at the 2nd Sunday Visual and Performing Arts Show. We will have free T shirts!

Thanks for reading...

Friday, July 8, 2011

This Weekend... Yorktown and Colonial Williamsburg

   We have two markets scheduled this weekend! Saturday morning we will be in Yorktown at their market days on The Riverwalk. We love this market. It is so scenic and invigorating sitting on the Bank of the grand York River in such a historical setting as Colonial Yorktown. The farmers market is always least 5 produce vendors to choose from... along with live music, great food and a great array of artists! We are hoping that it will not rain!
    On Sunday afternoon we are going to participate in a new event that just came on to our radar a couple of weeks ago. It is called 2nd Sundays and it is in the heart of Colonial Williamsburg! It is a visual and performing arts event with about 20-30 vendors, live music and great food on the 400 block of Prince George Street from 3pm-6pm. (at the same time on the 2nd Sunday of each month)  We are excited to do this event because we LOVE Colonial Williamsburg and have not ever done an event there! It looks like it will be a perfect weather come down everyone we would love to see you...and we have some free T-shirts for all of you who come by and mention this Blog or our facebook page! Come by and say hi...
Thanks for reading...


bringing the Chesapeake into you Home and Holidays!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Is it Wednesday??

   It is already Wednesday! A short week always wreaks havoc with our production schedule. Oh...that's right we don't have a production schedule! Just multiple lists that we scratch off and add onto with gusto. But it is still a challenge to get it all done and have everything we need in the right place to get it done. My house is ground zero. It is where all the Chesapeake Bay Christmas inventory is either stored or distributed. I have an office ( Ha!) a large shed and two large trailers filled with stuff! then I also rent a storage unit about 2 miles from my home that is usually full. Shawnette has half of her shed full in addition to one spare bedroom and overflow into the kitchen...oh I forgot to mention that every room on the first floor of my house has got Santa or painting projects going on. Kitchen table, dining room table, painting table, dining room buffet, front hall desk....all covered with CBCC stuff! I know it drives my husband and kids crazy! ( It has gotten worse since all the kids have left...I have stopped trying so hard to contain it and have let it creep into every room like a spring time wisteria vine!) Sorry guys thank you for your patience!
   Everyday my friends and fellow artists who help me get everything done come by to pick up and or drop off what they need to work on and what they have been working on. So my front door is is rather like a revolving door most days along with a phone that never stops ringing! Now that is is summertime  some of the kids ( 20 somethings) are home..or coming home...or leaving and then coming back with friends....or who knows where they are? What day is it?
   Yesterday Shawnette came  to pick up a few things she needed to work on some Vintage Virginia Santas. She had a small mental list of what she needed ( first mistake) so we went to the shed to get the first few things, then back to our storage trailer that sits in my side yard to get the  rest. We first thought the wine bottles were in a drawer in my office but soon found they were not....they must be in the trailer.
so out we went to get them....where we immediately started looking for the cardinals ...remembered she needed boxes so got those and then sent her on her way....without the wine bottles! This would not have happened 5 years ago...but somehow we have both entered that new realm of middle age short term memory impairment! I have been relying on Shawnette for years to protect me from myself and now she has dared to join me in my disability! Heaven help us!
   So organization is key ...and disorganization is our is a miracle that we get anything done! But we do! ...and we will...and we will continue to manage to meet our goals.   We will keep fighting the battle with our disorganized selves and now that we have added memory impairment to the equation... prayer is a wonderful thing....just another bump in the road...a small one at that!
Thanks for reading,
Bringing the Chesapeake into your home and holidays!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

July 4th Recriminations

Scolding Ourselves!

America drives me crazy...letting all of our smart selves grow fat and lazy
TV's never  ever turning off...talking heads spewing vitriolic  stuff
Nobody even knows their neighbor, except when they wanna be a blamer
Manners are all out the window ,  been acting like we all star on  Bravo!

Kids are new heads of  households, only need their parents for the bankrolls
Where is the country we were taught, was born for a freedom so hard fought
What about our fore fathers dreams, lost somewhere between the  left and right extremes
Let's all  stop! ... look around,  game on time!  get the...  rebound!

Get our noses out of all our devices and look around for a cause that will entice us
we still have the blue print there, a constitution that screams for laissez faire
So on this our 4th of July celebration, let's remember what a strong amazing nation
That we were, think we are, that we can still be by far

Cause there's one thing that is true,  for us all, for  me and you
In this country there's still  choice... certainly  all have a voice
It can be soft,  it can be loud, it can be pissed off,  hopeful,  proud 
But ...if we don't  all decide to friggin  use it,
we  will G*#  d#*m  more than likely  freaking  lose it!

(C) Lynn McPherson July 4 2011

Thanks for reading!

Friday, July 1, 2011

On the Road Again

   We are off to the Nations Capital today. (Actually MD) for a two day show at the National Harbor. We are very excited to do this venue as it is the new hot spot in the DC area! It is like a mini-NYC sitting on the shore of the Potomac river right on the MD side of the Woodrow Wilson Bridge. Unbelievable high end shopping and eating and the choice of amazing accommodations. There are water Taxis to take you up river to Alexandria and the Nations Capital that depart from a state of the art Marina which is the focal point of National Harbor! They have a huge July 4th weekend planned (Concerts, fireworks, food and the Market!) and we are happy to be a part of it! We have some special July 4th pins for the occasion! Come and see us and mention this blog or our facebook page and get your free ornament!
    Then on Monday we move back down 1-95 to Fredericksburg to be a part of their July 4th celebration. We have been part of this event for the past 5 years and continue to enjoy it.They have it all for a family 4th of July, music, lots of kids activities, car show, and tons of high quality art and craft booths!  As always it will be hot... but isn't that what we all expect on this National Birthday Celebration. We can't wait to see all of our loyal Fredericksburg customers...we have a free ornament for you too just know!
   By the time we get back home we should be exhausted...hopefully still functional. We will be setting up our booth and tearing it down three times in three days! A marathon of work, sales, fun, and sun! Just like we plan to do, remember to drink lots of water!!! Stay hydrated and have a wonderful Holiday weekend. Happy Birthday to all...remember to celebrate the human rights and freedoms we all enjoy in our beloved USA!
Thanks for reading!
Bringing the Chesapeake into your Home and Holidays!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

...Slow Down Gotta Slow it Down!!!

   My son Josh and I always agree to disagree over the poetic contribution of a lot of the RAP he listens to...I decided I would write him some 50 something rap!   After hearing it he told me it was poetry but he would not listen to it if it was a song!....So chime in boomers what do you think about my
Boomer Rap...Slow Down Gotta Slow it Down ...would you listen?

Exponential, sequential, hyper up to my potential
credentials, essential, feeling so inconsequential
XP, 3G, amp it up, God help me!
4D, don't wanna be, take me back to Born Free!

Micro Macro soft n hard...Apple, Droid I'm gettin scarred
Text me, skype me, twitter me , facebook status glitter me!
Stay in Constant Contact,  Linking in for the full impact
Weave my Dreams on Web pages, barely deal with gas gauges

Animated overstated feeling very antiquated
OMG, never say never, be my BFF 4eva
Blogging for the world to see, used a false identity
Google, Bing, and web bots too,  raised on Captain Kangaroo!

Slow down... gotta slow it down... slow down...  wanna throw it down!
Can't keep going round and round gotta put our feet back on the ground
Slow down...gotta slow it down

Exponential, sequential, hyper up to my potential
credentials, essential, feeling so inconsequential
XP, 3G, amp it up God help me !
4D, don't wanna be, take me back to Born Free!

Alternate our energy, solar, windmills set us free!
Generate, accelerate, pretty soon obliterate
build McMansions, want Expansion, loose our kids to all the tension
TV... easy.... queasy... Swiss  cheese brains are breezy....!

Hybrid cars, going to mars, catching fireflys in jars
DNA genetic codes, unlocks the door to motherlodes!
Exercising on the wii, kids aren't allowed to climb a tree
heads are growing, thumbs are blowin', Darwin tell us where we're goin'

Slow down... gotta slow it down... slow down...  wanna throw it down!
Can't keep going round and round gotta put our feet back on the ground
Slow down...gotta slow it down

Exponential, sequential, hyper up to my potential
credentials essential, feeling so inconsequential
XP, 3G, amp it up, God help me !
4D don't wanna be... take me back to Born Free!

Wall-street, no balance sheets?...makes its own rules... so sweet
CEO'S all make a billion, want a zillion, all reptilian
Common man he needs a plan, got an ADD attention span!
stress?... forgot to  mention.... anybody gotta pension??

Anxiety, society, gave up all  sobriety
Pills, thrills, feeling ill, when did we all lose free will?
kids are selling... all misspelling... like a car wreck, so compelling
under attack, looking back, remember when there was no Crack!

Slow down... gotta slow it down... slow down...  wanna throw it down!
Can't keep going round and round gotta put our feet back on the ground
Slow down...gotta slow it down...slow down...gotta  s l o w  i t d o w n...

Exponential, sequential, hyper up  to my potential
credentials, essential, feeling so inconsequential
XP, 3G, amp it up ,God help me !
4D, don't wanna be, take me back to Born Free!

Hurricanes, climate change, Watch it all on the stock exchange
Liposuction, fat reduction,  all part of  the false seduction
Botoxed skin, everyone's in, but try n tell what they're  thinkin'??!
Growing old, feeling sold, golden days are not foretold

Legislation, taxation, take away our vacations
Thinking back never had control, listening to our rock and roll
Take a deep breath, settle down, no longer want to move uptown...
Love me a creek, gotta get some sleep, take off my shoes and dangle my feet...

Slow down... gotta slow it down... slow down...  wanna throw it down
Can't keep going round and round gotta put our feet back on the ground
Slow down...gotta slow it down...slow down...gotta  s l o w   i t   d o w n....s  l  o  w
d  o  w  n.... g   o   t   t   a       s   l   o   w        i   t         a   l    l        d    o    w    n...

(C) June 26 2011 Lynn McPherson

Thanks for reading

Monday, June 27, 2011

Deltaville and Yorktown double the FUN!! Next National Harbor!

  We divided and conquered two farmers markets this past weekend and they were both lovely. First of all the weather was superb...warm with little humidity... a nice breeze but no wind...perfect for selling santas and seashells by the seashore!
    Deltaville farmers market was as usual like a mini vacation. It is such a great location... creek frontage, gorgeous gardens, large wonderful shade trees, an intriguing maritime museum, great food at Bill's Bistro, and a great variety of artists and food vendors! If you have never been it is a must do in my book! Even if we did not make a penny there (but we always do!) it is worth the trip just to soak up the natural beauty and energy of the place! Like I said its like a mini vacation rather than work doing Deltaville.
   Yorktown is another must do farmers market. This location is also vacation a matter of fact it is a major vacation destination for many and with good reason. Great River views, wonderful beach, historical Yorktown and the River Walk shops and restaurants right there! The assortment of food and produce vendors is amazing...Yum....!! They have it all! The artists are very high end and they keep it that way so that treasures are always there to be found. The best part of all is the  wonderful York River and its magical spell. You can imagine all of the historical events that have happened right there on the banks of this river. It is a powerful picture as it meets the Chesapeake Bay right where we sit selling our Santas and ornaments. It is such a rejuvenating experience being there...especially when the weather is perfect like it was last weekend.
    We both had good times at our respective locations and maybe we will switch next month if we decide to do another two for one special. I hope you will come out and join us if you have not already.
   This next weekend we will be at the National Harbor up in the  DC area right across the Woodrow Wilson bridge into MD. We are anxious to try this new location. We have heard great things about The National Harbor and the great Shopping ,Restaurants, Accommodations and Entertainment. It is  supposed to be top notch get away weekend material. We are excited to be a part of their market on the great Potomac River! Once again if you come by and see us and mention our blog or facebook page we will have a free  glittered starfish ornament for you! Come by and say hi....can't wait to meet you!
Thanks for reading!
Lynn McPherson
Bringing a bit of the Chesapeake into you Home and Holidays!

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Pray for Adam an everyday hero

  Today I am going to talk about my friend Adam. Adam is the foster son of my best friend and partner Shawnette. Adam has been with Shawnette and her family since he was four years old. Today he is 20. Adam has a fairly severe case of Cerebral Palsy and is very compromised in his use of his arms, legs, hands, and mouth. He can speak but very slowly and with very poor pronunciation.Very few people can understand him. Adam's mind is amazing he is above average in intelligence but socially he is young. Adam needs constant care because he needs help dressing, taking care of his personal hygiene, and eating. He cannot write, he can never drive, he has a lot of spasticity in his movements. Social Services and his friends and family and the group home he is  now in have been unable to find him employment because of his limitations.
   Adam is still under the umbrella of social services. Adam  had to be removed from Shawnette's home in his late teens due to behavioral issues that to this day have not been diagnosed or understood. Adam has been medicated and treated extensively  with behavioral therapy. During this time social services tried to end Shawnette's permanent foster relationship with Adam against her will and  Adam's will. After a very hard fought costly and complicated legal battle social services backed down and apologized to Shawnette and her family... but that was it.  Social Services did not have to follow the same laws as we do and they were not held responsible for their actions when they acted irresponsibly and illegally.  Adam came very close to death and had to have multiple surgeries because of injuries incurred during a bad placement by Social Services during this time period. Adam was blessed to finally end up in a group home that stabilized his anxiety and gave him a place he could be comfortable away from his home. Adam is hoping to get placement in the Virginia Home sometime in the near future but he is on a waiting list that is unknown in its length. Adam's best friend Otto has  already been placed there.
    It is Adam's desire to overcome his affliction along with his placement in a caring group home that accommodates him and his disability with grace and dignity, that are both the catalysts that have brought him to a stable, happy place. But now new foster care laws are threatening to make Adam be moved for at least the 5th placement until he can be placed in the Virginia Home. Change is not an easy thing for Adam and often it brings him back to self destructive behaviors. If he displays any of these behaviors then he will be disqualified from getting into the Virginia why??? Why! move him?....the answer is probably money. What the powers that be do not take into account is that if he is moved suddenly and without being prepared they will probably have to ultimately deal with another hospitalization or medical placement (Way more expensive!) caused by not paying attention to his history. Read the file folks...or you will be spending more money than ever when he falls from his stable place that we have all paid for dearly in time, love and constant reassurance that all things will work out for the best in the end. Please let it be so that we have told Adam the truth... that all things will work out for the best. Adam cannot fight his own battles and Shawnette has been disregarded one to many times by an agency that has incredible turn over and little follow thru. When a new social worker takes over Adam's case, Adam seems to be nothing more than a file folder...It should be a file folder that fills several drawers and has continuity, but it seems each new worker only has limited history to go by thereby each new social worker seems to start over at square one...I am not sure where all of the documentation goes?
    I am asking for everyone who reads this to give Adam and Shawnette a spot in your prayers. He has nearly finished the race, scored a touchdown, and hit the jackpot with a pending placement in the Virginia Home. Pray for social services to truly keep his best interest at heart...Pray for wisdom and calm and consistency in Adam's life. Pray for his protection....
     thanks so much for reading...Shawnette has no idea I am writing this and I take full responsibility for all that I write. Let  truth stand and shine the light!.
Thanks for reading

Bringing a bit of the Chesapeake into your Home and Holidays!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Double Trouble

   This weekend Shawnette and I are splitting up to attend two farmers markets at the same time. Two times the fun...two times the work ...and hopefully two times the profit! Shawnette will be in Yorktown on the waterfront Riverwalk area from 8:00 to 12:00 with the usual set up of Coastal Chesapeake Santas( on sale for summer! Look for the Blue Coat Special!), ornaments, garland and our infamous college crabs and Sand Dollars! So for a wonderful scenic, historic,and fabulous farmers market go by and see her! Mention that you saw us on Facebook or thru this Blog and she will give you a free ornament!
     I will be going to the Deltaville Farmers Market this Saturday. This is another lovely venue at the Deltaville Maritime Museum right on the creek side waterfront. This Saturday they will be offering free boat rides  and many many local artisans to see and appreciate! This market is from 9am to 1 pm and is always a treat. They offer lovely breakfast and lunch selections at their onsite too! We always love going to Deltaville!
     I will have a little bit of a different set up than usual. I will be bringing our Chesapeake Santas but in addition I will be featuring our new line...Santas Faithful Friends! this is another one of our collectible Santas that features Santa with one or two of his favorite friends...his dogs! We offer up to 50 breeds of dogs that we can put on this Santa and personalize him with your dogs name and breed! This Santa will be on special Saturday at Deltaville for $65.00! His normal retail price is $84.95 so that is a 25% discount for the summer! If we do not have the breed you are looking for onsite we will make your santa and ship him to you for a minimal $5.00 shipping charge! So come out all you dog lovers...we have the perfect gift for you and your dog loving friends and family! Christmas shop early or just splurge for a summer Santa! I will not have our ornament line with me this week ( you have to go see Shawnette in Yorktown if you are looking for our ornaments!) If you tell me you saw us on facebook or thru this blog I will give you an extra $5.00 off on a purchase of a Santa ( already reduced for summer!)
   We will both be looking forward to this Saturday in our respective locations. I will miss Shawnette's company of course...she always takes care of bringing goodies so I will miss out on the munchies so I guess I will just have to make up for it by visiting one of the many food booths or the cafe at Deltaville! I promise to drink my water better too it is going to be hot!
See you all on Saturday!
Thanks for reading,
Bringing a bit of the Chesapeake into your Home and Holidays!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Rivah Fest ... HOT!!!

     We did the Rivah Fest in Tappahannock, VA for the first time this past Saturday. It started with a 4:30 am wake up call to pick up Shawnette at 5:30 am and arrive in Tappahannock at 6:30 am. Our usual set up takes us about 2 hours from start to finish, but we like to be one of the first to arrive so we do not have to battle with other vendors for unloading spots and parking. We were so pleasantly surprised to arrive at a very well manned and organized event which provided something very few shows do...volunteers to off load all of our stuff!  We barely carried one thing we just directed the eager volunteers who carefully and quickly had our whole set-up unloaded and stacked neatly behind our tent spot. What a great way to start the day! This gift allowed us to very leisurely set up our booth and even organize inventory that had gotten a little jumbled over the past several weekends. It was a very nice morning and even on the pleasant side with morning temps although we knew we were in for a scorcher later on...
      The shoppers were a little late getting started but things started to roll at about 11:am. We stayed steadily busy until about 2pm and then it came to a screeching halt.  It was pretty much self explanatory...the 95 degree day we had been promised arrived with a vengeance!  The people on the streets were fanning themselves frantically with  fans being distributed by savvy politicians. The candidates had seen their opportunity to put their names on just the right thing...  fans!  What a clever ploy...we even sought out one of those fans and used it shamelessly for all to see...someone named...Tribble... for Commonwealth Attorney??? us to inadvertently campaign for him at the cost of staying a little cooler!  These community events are perfect venues for all of the local and state politicians to shake hands and speak their platforms and generally annoy at least half of the folks they approach. You have to look out for spontaneous stickerers who will slap one on you without even asking for your support first. Politicians!.. you gotta love em!..especially during the big election years! ( I say this lovingly since I am married to an X-school board member who had to campaign himself for two terms! and myself who handed out many a sticker!)
    Anyway the scorching heat pretty much brought our busy day to a premature end...but we did well, met many new customers and fellow artists, sold some Santas and ornaments and generally enjoyed the day. It was a very comprehensive and  well organized event which this year went especially well for the ice cream, lemonade and smoothie vendors!.. good job Rivah Fest!... we will definitely  plan to do it again next year! Let's hope for a little less heat!
    Tappahannock is a great little historic River town....quaint old courthouse area,  cute shops, the majestic Rappahannock River running thru it...  if you haven't been, you must plan to go. Check out Lowery's for some of the best local seafood ever! Oysters to die for and then dream about later!

Thanks for reading,
Bringing the Chesapeake into your Home and Holidays!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Happy Endings

   At Cape May we were the new kids on the block so we got a lot of attention from the locals and vacationers. We were extremely busy for the first half of the day which is historically when the serious shoppers come out. We handed out a lot of cards to those who wanted to wait a little later in the year to purchase and we met many new customers that promised to check out our website! It turned out to be a beautiful day and weekend and we were very happy that we had added the Jersey Shore to our new destination list. Many customers gave us new leads on other good Jersey/NY shows and shared our enthusiasm for breaking into new territory.
   In addition to the Show itself we had great walks on the beach each evening , combined with great pizza from the Pizzeria next to our hotel....and ice cream too...which we justified with a run  on the beach....excuses, excuses! We walked to the Wildwood  boardwalk and saw all the roller coasters and Ferris Wheels and carnival amusements right on the boardwalk! That boardwalk looked a little more like the MTV Jersey Shore variety! We did not have the energy to investigate after a busy day at Cape May! As usual after our walk we fell into bed early and slept with all the energy we had left!
   There was a circle of life beach experience that we witnessed that I have to mention. On the first evening beach stroll after the show, we were on our way back to the motel when we noticed a large seagull tussling with some kind of sea creature. We thought at first it was a fish...but as the match progressed we saw that it was a large blue crab! The seagull kept grabbing at it but the crab was equally aggressive in protecting himself...both claws up and snapping! Eventually the gull grabbed the crab by one claw and started to lift off and carry him away to feast on him somewhere else...but the Crab would have none of it and quickly grabbed the gulls foot with his other claw!  So now they both had each other in a death grip...a Darwinian stale mate! The gull was expressing his pain more openly and immediately landed to grapple some more...but the crab would not release his death grip. The gull had now given up his grip only concerned with getting  the feisty crustacean off his the next round he lifted off again and slammed the crab against the wood jetty close by! The crab dropped into the shallows and the gull landed close by to nurse his foot in the surf! We saw that the crab was still visible  and approached him carefully. We were shocked to see that the poor fella had lost his claw in the heat of battle but other than that he seemed to be OK. Gladiator Gull was still hurting as he waded back and forth in the surf tending to his foot.  He was obviously not feeling too happy about his loss of dinner and dignity! We had witnessed  a survival of the fittest struggle that ended in a draw....and that was a happy ending in our book.
    We love you Cape May and Wildwood Crest and  Jersey Shore.... we look forward to another visit! You were everything and more than we had hoped for!  Next stop Tappahannock, VA for the Rivah Fest! Come out Saturday June 18 and see us! Mention this blog and get a free ornament!
Thanks for reading!
bringing a little bit of the Chesapeake into your Home and Holidays!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

The Promenade

    In Cape May, New Jersey they have a Promenade rather than a Boardwalk. It is simply an asphalt walkway that meanders along the beach with occasional  food and entertainment businesses that front it on the beach side of the street. All of the Inns, homes, hotels etc are across the street from the beach so there are no real waterfront  accommodations. Promenade seems to conjure a more romantic vision than Boardwalk but they basically both mean walkway. I like the word Promenade because it also alludes to  movement and dance and it just sounds so musical!  As a beachfront walkway it is automatically a wonderful place to be  so when we signed up for the Promenade Art and Craft Show we were sure we were in for a treat...and we were. The Promenade is the front porch for a stunning beachfront town and was a perfect setting for a late spring art show. We had pure architectural nostalgia at our backs, a pristine beach and the powerful Atlantic Ocean in front of us. Unlimited seafood, ice cream, pizza, hoagies,and fudge were tantalizingly close, teasing all of our senses.
   We set up our booth bright and early Saturday morning under the threat of a slight chance of thunder storms. As soon as we had everything up and out for display  there they were  with a vengeance.... Rain!...bucketfuls!...lightning sent by the mythological Gods!... and thunder that had us cowering and laughing at the same time!  It gave us the jolt of adrenaline we needed to replace the coffee that we had quickly downed before dawn. The other artists offered us friendly banter and encouragement and the storms eventually cleared. We had lost a couple of hours and had to scramble to make up for time lost. The vacationers came out of their turn of the century accommodations and the Promenade Art and Craft Show was underway...
To be continued....
Thanks for reading!

Monday, June 13, 2011

Chesapeake Bay Christmas Goes to the Jersey Shore!

    Shawnette and I arrived home safely and soundly last night at about 1:30 am from our latest adventure with CBCC. We went to Cape May, NJ the southern tip of the Jersey Shore to participate in a Promenade ( Boardwalk) Art Show! We had decided to push outside  of our normal travel diameter and try some new shows. Many of our customers had told us we needed to push up into Jersey and possibly  some of the other  New England beach communities with our coastal line of Santas and ornaments so.... our first choice was the Jersey Shore!

   With visions of  the beach antics of the Jersey Shore cast playing in our minds...we left our familiar Virginia habitat and drove up the Eastern Shore into Ocean City, Md. We then traveled  on to the beach communities of Fenwick Island, Betheny Beach, Rehoboth and finally Lewes, DE where we boarded the Cape May-Lewes Ferry for a wonderful trip across the Delaware Bay to arrive in Cape May, NJ. What a lovely trip it was! Beautiful weather and picturesque beach community after picturesque beach community landed us in one of the most amazing beach towns I have ever seen.... Cape May, NJ!
   We knew immediately that we were not in the land of the MTV's Jersey Shore ( thank God!) but something more like a genteel  gem that had perhaps the feel of a Charleston, SC mixed with a Beaufort, NC but exceeding both in its grand scale of delicious Victorian architecture that overwhelmed us with its detail and color and visual intricacies. Grand hotels and Inns one after another...sitting perfectly along a wide flat perfect Mid-Atlantic Beach that seemed to have never been touched by storm or catastrophe! The smell of Philly Cheese Steaks and pizza scented the salt air ....
    We were welcomed by friendly folks that could have been mistaken for our fellow southerners with their high level of hospitality and helpfulness. We were so happy to be there in that place at that moment for  a  boardwalk (Promenade) art show with a back drop that was supreme to any we had ever done before!!!
   To be continued!!!


Sunday, May 29, 2011


   I just want to thank all of my friends and family for their love and good wishes on my birthday. I know I have expressed a little bit of disdain for birthdays at this time of my life...but thank you all for ignoring my my rants and making my day a sweet one. What's one more hash mark next to my name anyway....another year wiser, another year hungrier to get it all to all and thank you! Thanks for reading...

Friday, May 27, 2011

Come on Jimmy! It's Never too Late...It's Never too late!

   Has it really been 10 days since we posted??  Time seems to be the most valuable commodity to all of us frustrated baby boomers...its passing is our greatest concern. I blogged earlier about time being the measure of life's potential...and that thought just adds to the frustration of those of us who have surely passed the half way point of our days on this planet... So now I am going to jump to the fact that I went to my first Jimmy Buffett Concert last night! Yea!! Shawnette  my partner in Chesapeake Bay Christmas Co,  took me for my birthday!...another frustrating event (birthdays that is) in the scheme of middle age!  She is a die hard Parrot Head who bursts into  Buffet songdome at the slightest  provocation  with all of the accompanying hand and hip action! She knows every word to every song and never tires of listening and living her life to his laid back beach philosophy. I was not a true ParrotHead...I have always liked Jimmy's music but not with the vigor and obsession of  his dedicated Parrot Head Legions! I believe Shawnette called me a Buffett virgin when she placed a flower lei around my neck in the concert parking lot! Being called any kind of virgin at my age was a little infatuating and that was only the beginning of an amazing night... If you noticed I said I "was" not a Parrot Head....but now I am not so sure. Maybe I am going thru a Parrot Head metamorphosis...emerging a little more relaxed about where time is taking me and how I am  going to get wherever I think I need to be...relax Lynn.... enjoy the journey!!!
                               Yes I am a Pirate two hundred years too late
                        The Cannons don't thunder, there's nothin to plunder
                                        I'm an over fifty victim of fate.....
                                but its "never" too late...its "never" too late
                         my edited version of a Pirate Looks at forty by Jimmy Buffet

Shawnette... I guess we can both cross something off our bucket list today! thank you for a great Parrot  Head birthday experience!
Always... your friend... Lynn

Thanks for Reading

 In the spirit of Buffettdome
Check out our margarita time Santa @

Let us bring a little bit of the Chesapeake into your home and your holidays!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


   Rain. We have had a lot of it recently and there is a tendency to gripe and complain about it because it interferes with our plans...especially if it is on the weekends when we (the Chesapeake Bay Christmas Company) are out there in the elements trying to make a buck!  However in light of what the folks along the Mississippi River basin and all the rivers that flow into it are living through we can count our blessings! I want to offer up prayers and positive thoughts for those experiencing profound and life changing loss at the hands of mother nature. It is just another reminder that we are all vulnerable to life's twists and turns and that we need to rejoice and be glad in each and every day that we have, and especially each day that we are in a position to provide for our families and help others less fortunate. The next time around we could be the ones in need. Enjoy our rain... today it is a blessing to our gardens, our farms, our wildlife, and our souls.... but we should all be smart and begin  to prepare for tomorrow...thanks for reading
Let us bring a little bit of the Chesapeake into your home and holidays!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Miniature search

   Today I worked on finding replacement miniatures for this year's new Chesapeake Santas. Darice discontinued making the anchors we were using on our "Keeper of the Light" Santa and I have combed the internet looking for one that does not cost a fortune. So far nothing found.  I am also trying to find a replacement lantern and fishing poles.... also a dead end. We are  looking for a mini oyster, crab or lobster work boat for our 2011 Ltd Edition...that will be a real challenge! If anyone out there has any leads let us know!

To Blog or not to Blog?

   I am back! So sorry for the lapse... it seems the good writing habits that I established in the Ultimate Blog Challenge have already failed me! I would like to use the excuse of being so very busy that I could not get to it but that would not be entirely true. We have been busy! We are back on the farmers market  circuit which means a  craft show every Saturday, which means loading and unloading my Toyota Sequoia 4X a week, monitoring inventory, weather watching,  adapting  to the weather, keeping our energy level and physical level high on top of our normal weeks of painting and Santa making and website management, and bookkeeping and  ordering materials and supplies! Yet it still is a matter of choosing to blog or not to blog. Last week I chose not to blog! I chose to have a low stress week. I focused on individual tasks as I did them without allowing the avalanche of tasks that needed my attention to distract me from the one I was performing. It was a bit of a survival tactic! I need to have these weeks sprinkled in here and there to keep my sanity. I concentrate on creative time rather than productive time. This goes back to some of my previous blogs where I speak of creativity kicking into high gear when my stress levels  are peaking. It is  an automatic cut off switch that allows me to recharge my battery and get back to my to do list with a new vigor!
   Usually writing is a creative endeavor, a de-stressing activity...but letting it go occasionally is too! I need to figure out how to write about  things that may seem mundane to us but interesting to our readers. I have had to stop at this point and try and figure out where I am going with this blog and am coming up blank...I think I already made my point....So I am going to take this as a cue...and end it.... and get back to my CBCC list...
   Thank you for reading....promise more inspired entries to come!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Farmers Markets...Battles and Balance!

    We are off! The starting pistol has fired and Shawnette and I are off on our marathon race that will take us thru the spring and summer and into the fall doing local farmers markets almost every weekend until  our holiday markets begin in the fall. It is an exhausting yet rewarding adventure of small intimate venues where we have time to interact with our customers on a more relaxed level. We also enjoy the  scenic locations of our farmers markets.....Irvington,VA...Urbanna, VA...Yorktown...Tappahannock, Deltaville, New Kent...all beautiful weekend destinations most on the water in the  Middle Peninsula and the Northern Neck with plenty of  boating, fishing, and swimming.
    I personally love the water! Any body of water makes me happy. Just sitting on a bank or beach or shore or even just an edge ... the water calls to me to dip in a toe or a calf (if clothed) and of course  my whole body if I am lucky enough to have the opportunity! Oceans, Bays, Lakes, Rivers, Creeks or even a rain swollen  ditch  bring out the child in me! It does not take much...just water..! So I consider myself so lucky that my business takes us straight to these beautiful bodies of water that keep us inspired and invigorated and wanting to do more with our coastal and nautical lines of ornaments and coastal Santas. 
   We really are lucky Shawnette and I...but as the season  stretches on we do begin to get a little weary. We have to remember to take the time to stay fit and in shape to be able to endure the heat and the moving of heavy displays and inventory. We fight  the temptation ( usually we lose)  of indulging in the wonderful food available to us at these venues. Exotic baked goods, breads cookies cakes, fresh seafood,ethnic food, kettle corn, funnel cakes, ice cream are all continually walking by our booth in the hands of others calling to us to  partake! It is always the battle of good vs evil...and evil is so much more satisfying! But we continually re-commit ourselves to the good and battle on! On the good side is the equally pleasing array of locally grown produce available to us at these markets. While we may fall from grace with the delicious food at the shows... we go home loaded down with healthy organic fruits and vegetables to eat at home during the week thus making up for our  Saturday indiscretions! Battles and Balance, striving for health and enjoying an occasional fall from grace ...that is life...and life is good!
   Come out and see us some Saturday! You can check out our calendar at upcoming events on We would love to meet you and share our line of coastal ornaments and Chesapeake Santas and coastal home decor with you. Come out and sample the food, and load up on the local produce that nourishes your body and soul. Come out and buy local and support the local farmers and artists and economy.  Farmers markets are where its all happening....come and see! Thanks for reading!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

I just had it in my hand a minute ago??!!

   We are in full swing again. We will be attending farmers markets and street fairs every weekend from this weekend thru labor day. Check out our calendar at under upcoming events. Our spring orders are stacking up and we are having to work at keeping up. I am still feeling disorganized. I think it is going to take another 2 or 3 days dedicated to organization before I get things the way they need to be for optimal efficiency. Of course that is really a stretch to think that we would ever be operating at optimal efficiency! We have just learned to laugh at ourselves on a regular basis for our loss of brain function and the huge amount of time we spend looking for things we just had in our hands a minute ago!!! Usually we have a least 2-3 of these conversations each day.... Shawnette, I called you to ask you something really important...but I forgot what it was??? I will call you back when I remember..., I was just looking at that catalog yesterday!.. It has to be here somewhere!!!, Where are the Assateague lighthouses?? I know we did a bunch of them earlier in the year?  Are they in the trailer??.or the shed??.or the office??.. or at your house??? Ughhh!! 
   When you are short term memory impaired it is imperative that your maintain some kind of cohesive organization or you spend way to much time looking for stuff! I am having to learn how to get organized and stay that way. When  I was younger ( I think that was just a few short years ago!) I could multi-task like a machine. I never needed a list and if I stored something in  my grey matter it was easily retrieved with just a thought! NOT ANYMORE!!...if anything were to happen to me I would be remembered by my lists! They are everywhere! they are piled up on my desk and work tables, they are in my purse and in my car! They are on the fridge and on my calendar and on the bulletin board! They are my lifeline! At least they are evidence that I am still trying, still working, still producing, and not giving up!
Thanks for reading!

we welcome you to our online store at
we bring the Chesapeake into your Home and Holidays!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Posted more wedding pics!

   I have gone back and posted some new wedding pics on the older posts "Calm after the Storm", "Dancing in the Dark"  and the "Joy, Beauty and the Calm before the Storm" posts. If you would like to see them just scroll back to the older posts and check them out!Check out this new picture we just got of our wedding favor ornament we did for the wedding! We will be adding a page to our website for wedding ornaments and designing custom ornaments for weddings.Check it out
Thanks for reading!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Bin Laden gone! Our nations decline is not!

   Last night I was watching the Apprentice and painting Pirate Crab ornaments when NBC announced that President Obama would be addressing the Nation about an important news development. My reaction was surprising to myself. I actually had a minor anxiety attack. I assumed that for the President to be making an unscheduled news break on late Sunday evening that it would have to be a catastrophic news event! I immediately said a prayer for the event to be good news rather than bad but I actually had little faith that that would be the case. The result of course was good news for our country...even though it involved  the  violent death of many people including the infamous architect of 911.

    I have been looking at why I jumped to such a negative conclusion when I heard the announcement of the news break. I have become conditioned to receiving my daily dose of violent, immoral and indecent has become the standard of the day.  Even this good news was actually rooted in at least one of the above...but  it brought with it justice for those who died in 911 a crime committed against all humanity. I am glad this chapter in our nations history has come to an end...but I am still fearful for our future as a  country in this new global world. I hope that my fear will spur me  to contribute good and solid work and spirit to this country  that seems to be setting its bar ever lower to survive its own disappointments in itself. We must do good work to combat and counter balance the bad that seems to be becoming more acceptable to us. We must not allow mediocrity  to become  the new norm. We must look to raise the bar higher and not let it fall any lower. We must be willing to examine ourselves honestly to make the changes necessary to bring honor back into our institutions  and into our hearts and souls. Lets get back to our roots of honesty and courage and ethical behavior. Lets stop setting immoral examples and celebrating our right to set them for the whole world. Yes we do have that right...lets recognize that as our right, a right that we will choose to decline..that we will choose to walk away from for the health of our children and their children and our great nation "under God" with liberty and justice for all. Let us once again be an example to the world...not what we seem to be becoming..a country of entitled apathetic rationalizers!
   The Bin Ladens of the world threaten our physical bodies our safety...they threaten our lives. Our own cultivation of mediocrity and immorality threatens something far worse...our souls... and the very foundation that this country was built on!
Thanks for reading,

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Finished the race!

   Today is the last day of the Ultimate Blog Challenge! I did it...blogged 30 consecutive blogs in 30 days! It has been a great motivator and help for getting into a writing rhythm and for establishing a new habit. I hope  that I will continue to blog on. Thank you so much for those of you who came along for the ride, I hope it has not been to painful! Thank you Matt and Alex for letting me share my experience of your experience! Blogging about your wedding has been a great inspiration and source of joy. It is also a great coincidence that the first of Alex's bridal portraits were shared today and I can post them with this final entry for the challenge. Thank you has been a pleasure! Here are Alex's pics! Matt will be in the next bunch!

check out more at  they were fab photographers  we highly recommend!

Thanks for reading,

and don't forget to check out our online store

Friday, April 29, 2011

Home from the Honeymoon! Turks and Caicos!


   I have been asked to reveal where Matt and Alex went on their I guess since they are back it is OK to reveal that they went to the Turks and Caicos. They have reported having a wonderful 5 days staying in a small cottage on a remote bay on south side of the the Island of Providenciales. They stayed in a cottage owned by Matt's uncle who graciously offered them a stay as a wedding gift! What a great gift John...thanks!  This honeymoon cottage is for rent so anyone who would like to experience what Matt and Alex did here is the link to on the Stones Throw Villa.  I am going to post pictures that say it need for a bunch of verbiage! Caribbean bliss!

The Royal Wedding...

I have spent the wee hours of this morning watching Catherine and William's royal wedding.  It was really a beautiful affair full of pomp and circumstance.  It was very pleasing to the eye  and ear...full of visual fare! Everything was perfectly orchestrated...even the weather cooperated! Perfection...
    I must say however that having just experienced helping plan and pull off  my son and daughter-in-laws wedding two weeks ago, a wedding  that was everything but perfection and pomp and circumstance...I will stand by the unpredictable nature that our wedding embraced!  Our bride and groom were faced with challenges every step of the way. The guests also had to meet the challenges that the more than stormy weather of the day presented. The grace that was shown by all involved as each new challenge presented itself gave us a wedding that will be as memorable to those involved as the royal wedding will be to the world! I will stand by Matt and Alex's affair as the one that all had to rise to the occasion...the one that all did...and the one that produced an affair that even Kate and William could not best...not even with  Britain's Royal treatment behind them!
Good luck to you William and Kate and bless my royal couple Matt and Alex!
Thanks for reading,
visit our online store at
bringing the Chesapeake to your Home and Holidays!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Santa Workday!

  Today's blog will be brief as I am heading over to Shawnette's house for a Santa workday! We need to finish up a few of our Bountiful Bay lines and put together our first Sanibel Santas for a shop in Fort Meyer Fl. We are getting our spring inventory in order to take to our spring markets before we make our new designs for the fall. We offer our standard designs at about a 15-20% discount at our spring shows to encourage spring and summer sales.
   Our farmers market schedule starts this Friday and will continue until the fall. These short weekend selling opportunities have been a great new venue for us to showcase our Santas and nautical ornaments to a new customer base. This year we will be participating in the Irvington, VA (1st weekend of month) Urbanna, VA (2nd weekend of month), Yorktown, VA ( various weekends) and Tappahannock, Va (4th weekend of month). These markets offer us locations that are closely tied to the Chesapeake coastal river lifestyle and are also summer destinations for families going to the Rivah!
   We have our Farmers market schedule on our calendar at so you can check out where we plan to be on which weekends. We hope you will all come by and see us and check out our spring/summer inventory for great bargains! We love these markets ourselves because they allow us to purchase locally grown produce and other amazing food products offered by Virginia entrepreneurs!  The food  and crafts that are out there at these local markets is mind boggling. Most of these markets are a short 4 hours on Saturday mornings...just the right amount of time to shop, get some spring sunshine and fresh air and visit with your friends and neighbors....and of  course stop by and visit us at Chesapeake Bay Christmas Co! We look forward to seeing you! But for now I must get myself together for a day of Santa making.  Have a happy productive Wednesday...

Thanks for reading,
we welcome you to our online store at
bringing the Chesapeake into your Home and Holidays!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Mentors and New Ideas!

  Ok...a friend and mentor of ours , Charlene Saunders from Women Working for Women (WW4W)  has been faithfully reading our blogs and giving us much needed encouragement and advise on increasing our traffic to She has made a video for us, taught us about social networking (off the clock) and always been there when we need any networking advise. Charlene is one of those rare individuals who has bottomless energy, a jy-normous heart, and a very acute business sense!  If you have spent any time around her at all you realize her business is such a natural fit for her because she genuinely cares about women succeeding in their businesses, more than anything! ( except her adorable daughter and family!) We know that we are only one of hundreds of others that she is working with, yet we feel like she is our own little secret...that she is totally focused on our success. That is her gift.  If anyone reading this blog feels in need of business mentoring please go to the above website and give Charlene a shout out! She is an awesome mentor who is always growing and  educating herself in the field of networking, marketing and branding.
   Now to the original title of this blog...New Idea!...Charlene sparked one for us! If you go back and read the past 10-12 blogs I have written you will see they have all been about my son Matt and his new bride Alex's wedding. I was very involved in this wedding but one of the major contributions I made was to design and produce wedding ornaments to give as bridesmaids favors, wedding guest favors, and family favors. So after consulting with Alex (the bride) we came up with the vision for each ornament and the rest was up to me and my friend and other Chesapeake Bay Christmas Co artist Mary Albert.
    For the bridesmaids ornaments we got pictures of the dresses including the wedding gown and painted sand dollars with the bride and two of her bridesmaids on either side of her with their dresses and shoes being showcased. We only did their bodies and dresses because we could not fit all of the bridesmaids on to any one ornament so we kept them generic.
    The wedding guest ornament was a revised version of our Love Sand-o-gram. It featured LOV E written in the sand at the beach with his and hers flip flops and Matt and Alex's baby's doggy prints in between. It had Matt and Alex 4-16-2011 written on the back.
     The third family ornament was a view of the building in which they had their reception, The Freight Shed in Colonial Yorktown . It featured a sign by the front door announcing their wedding and had pieces of their wedding attire draped on the bench in front of the building. All of the ornaments were hand painted and ribboned and tagged for hanging but also given with a small plate stand so they could also be used for home decor!
    So the new idea came from Charlene who suggested we start a wedding favor line to compliment our coastal Christmas line that we have done for the past 15 years. Shawnette and I  had talked about a bridal wedding favor line occasionally in the past but never really did anything to get it off the ground. So this is our first step toward getting it off the ground! We are  announcing that we are looking for bridal favor business. If any of our readers know anyone interested in bridal favors go to our site and/or email us at We would love to design and paint them for you!
     Thanks Charlene for nudging us to start this line! Thanks for your passion about what you do! Now its back to work... back to the drawing inspirations... new energy!

Thanks for reading,

we invite you to our online store at
bringing the Chesapeake into your Home and Holidays!

and check our Charlene's site Women Working for Women at
tell her we sent you!

Monday, April 25, 2011

Back to CBCC

2009 Ltd Edition Santa "Blue Christmas"
Today I turn my attention back to Chesapeake Bay Christmas Co. It has been on the shelf for the past month while we worked on my Matt and Alex's wedding. Now it is catch up time! I still have so many items to get ordered to complete the new Santa designs we have planned for 2011. We will be doing a new Lighthouse Santa, our 2011 Ltd Edition Chesapeake Santa ( to be announced later) , a New England Coastal Santa (yet to be named), a Bath, NC Pirate Santa, and possibly a Sanibel Santa (inspired by our trip to Sanibel Island,  FL) plus our many assorted one of a kind Santas that we do every year. We love the design phase where new ideas swirl around us until we settle on fabrics, colors and all of the many coastal accoutrements that we must find to bring our Santas to life. It is once we have decided on all of the details that all of the glitches of production come to life. We need 300 of these and then found out that they are no longer available...we get our shipment of 80 of those and they are the wrong size...adjusting and  searching and redefining is how we must move forward.
    This has been a challenging year because many of our suppliers are having trouble getting their product from China. We also have had many of the items that we have used every year on our Santas for 15 years all of the sudden become unavailable for the same reason. Our little blue crab that we ordered over 1000 of each year is now no longer made. We have to figure out what we are going to do to replace it! It looks like we will have to go back to hand sculpting them out of fimo clay in order to fill our crab pots on our Santas this year! One more time consuming thing that we will have to work into our schedule! We need 300 oyster clusters for our new Ltd Edition...we must go to South Carolina and hope we can find this many clusters where we saw so many last year...fingers crossed! Everything is up in the air until we have finished an Edition!
    Now that we are wholesaling some of our Santas the pressure is even more intense. Shops expect to get what they have seen at the wholesale shows at their designated delivery date as we all do when we order something. We just have to pray and adapt our way around our own order and production shortcomings. We are just keeping all the balls in the air as well as we can and hoping we will have what our customers love and want when all is said and done! Challenges....daily challenges...catastrophes averted...problems to be solved...back to a normal day at Chesapeake Bay Christmas!
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