Sunday, April 24, 2011


PS04 Grace Psalms in the Sand
 Today is Easter. Today is a Holy day...the holiest  day in the Christian Faith. This day we celebrate the Ascension of Christ into heaven...not just His soul but His body and soul. A miracle. A miracle of a Father reclaiming His Son...a miracle  for a mother and family and friends who had to watch their Son and Brother and Friend suffer the insufferable. A miracle for us who are so far removed from this event yet are bound to what it offers now... Redemption...Renewal...and Life's ultimate Reward. It is spring and we feel natures energy ...we can feel our own life's blood rejoice. There is the promise of renewal and redemption in the air. All we have to do is to claim it.

Thanks for reading,

Happy Easter!

1 comment:

Charlene said...

Hope you had a wonderful Easter!